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作者:佚名      ASP.NET网站开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23




程序猿 PRac =new 程序猿();



prac.Dream="The world without bug";

prac.TechnicalField ="NET";



严谨细致、创新能力、学习能力、分析能力、认真负责、积极主动、团队合作、抗压能力。 

Practical tips on Working With Controls

    Consider turning off View State for controls that don’t need it. In many cases, you hardly notice the difference, but especially with the data-driven controls discussed in Chapter 13 and onward, disabling View State can seriously decrease the size of your web page, resulting in shorter load times and improved user experience.

    Before you design a complex Web Form with multiple controls to accept user input, step back from your computer and take a piece of paper and a pen to draw out the required functionality. By thinking about the (technical) design of your application before you start coding, it’s much easier to create a consistent and well-thought-out user interface. Making considerable changes later in the page if you’ve taken a wrong route will always take more time than doing it (almost) right the first time.