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作者:佚名      ASP.NET网站开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23


 public class PictureCategory
        public int CategoryId { get; PRivate set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int? ParentCategoryId { get; private set; }
        public virtual PictureCategory ParentCategory { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<PictureCategory> SubPictureCategories { get; set; }

        public PictureCategory()
            SubPictureCategories = new HashSet<PictureCategory>();

    public class PictureCategoryContext : DbContext
        public virtual DbSet<PictureCategory> PictureCategories { get; set; }
        public PictureCategoryContext() : base("name=DemoContext") { }
        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                .HasMany(p => p.SubPictureCategories)
                .WithOptional(t => t.ParentCategory)


private static void Main()
            using (var context = new PictureCategoryContext())
                var _1st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第1代" };
                var _2st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第2代" };
                var _3_1st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第3_1代" };
                var _3_2st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第3_2代" };
                var _3_3st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第3_3代" };
                var _4st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第4代" };
                var _5_1st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第5_5_1代" };
                var _5_2st = new PictureCategory { Name = "第5_2代" };
                _1st.SubPictureCategories = new List<PictureCategory> { _2st };
                _2st.SubPictureCategories = new List<PictureCategory> { _3_1st, _3_2st, _3_3st };
                _3_3st.SubPictureCategories = new List<PictureCategory> { _4st };
                _4st.SubPictureCategories = new List<PictureCategory> { _5_1st, _5_2st };

            using (var context=new PictureCategoryContext())
               var query = context.PictureCategories.Where(p=>p.ParentCategory==null).ToList();
               query.ForEach(t => Print(t,1));


        private static void Print(PictureCategory category, int level)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}--{1}", category.Name, level);





再次我们分析一下该关系模型所涉及到degree, multiplicity, and direction:
degree【度】:  一元                   

multiplicity【复合度,在UML中很常见,也就是重复度】:  0..1和*;因为一个Parent有N个children,而每一个child只能有1个Parent

direction【流向】:   双向



Database relationships are characterized by degree, multiplicity, and direction. Degreeis the number of entity types that participate in the relationship. Unary and binary relationships are the most common. Tertiary and n-place relationships are more theoretical than practical.
Multiplicityis the number of entity types on each end of the relationship. You have seen the multiplicities 0..1 (zero or 1), 1 (one), and * (many).
Finally, the directionis either one-way or bidirectional.
The Entity Data Model supports a particular kind of database relationship called an Association Type. 
An Association Type relationship has either unary or binary degree, multiplicities 0..1, 1, or *, and a direction that is bidirectional