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作者:佚名      网站需求分析编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23

Below you’ll find a number of tricks that you can use to create convincing copy for your website. We’ll discuss how to use everything from hyperbole to sarcasm to snag users and score more conversions.
Start with a Question


Creating a headline that’s a question is a great way to grab a user’s attention. Suddenly the statement is no longer passive but reaches out and demands interaction (if only internally) on the part of the reader.


This is most effective if the question is short and straightforward: “Are you listening to your customers?” is a solid example of a question that will immediately make business owners think about what you mean and whether they are missing out. Questions like this often bring realization to a reader and can cause them to doubt any reasons for not exploring your site more or trying your product. “Maybe I’m not listening to my customers. But how would I do that anyway?” If their brains take them this far, you’ve got ‘em hooked.

紧凑而直接提问是最有效的,比如:“你倾听顾客的声音了吗?”是一个很好的实例,这个问题会引起老板们立刻思考你所提出问题的意思以及他们是否错过了什么。这样往往使读者认识到,他们没理由不浏览你的网站或者尝试你的产品。 “也许我是真的没有注意顾客的声音,但我该怎么做到这一点呢?” 如果能引导他们的大脑思考到这一点,你就算钓到鱼了。



Nice Reply

Quote: “How nice are your emails? Let your customers decide.”

引文: “你的邮件够好看么?让你客户说了算。”


Steven Little Design

Quote: “I Make Websites, Want One?”

引文: “我做网站的,你要一个吗?”


Idea Scale  

Quote: “Are you listening to your customers?”

引文: “你倾听你顾客的声音了吗?”


Use a Metaphor
Metaphors can be a great way to make your copy more relatable to the person reading it. Rather than discussing web forms in cold technological terms, the site below calls them “fresh baked” and encourages users to “cut serve and enjoy” them.
This metaphor is carried out not just through copy but also in the visuals on the page via the chef character. This makes the site much more friendly and causes the product to feel more approachable.

隐喻(暗示)可以是一个良好的方式,使用户阅读你文案的时候更能体会相关性。例如下面的网站讨论网页表单不再是冷冰冰的技术方面, 而是打着“新鲜出炉”的口号,鼓励用户“尽情享用”它们。



Quote: “Fresh baked forms for your websites! We cooked a compliant webstandard form for you. xHTML and CSS are the secret ingredients! Cut, serve and enjoy!”

引文: “为你网站定做的新鲜出炉的网页表单!我们为你烹饪了一份完全兼容web标准的表单,xHtml和CSS是独家秘方,尽情享用吧!”


Assisted Serendipity  

Quote: “Get notified when the scales of love tip in your favor at your favorite local hangouts.”

引文: “当你标记的某个你喜欢的地方爱情指数达到你满意的程度,我们会通知你。”

Tell Them It’s Easy


There are very few statements that website users want to hear more than “it’s easy.” This is especially true among productivity and team management apps which have been traditionally over-complicated. One of the key elements that prevents users from signing up for a service is that they simply don’t want to take the time to learn it. By assuring them that the learning curve is low or non-existant, you’re directly addressing one of their primary reservations.
Just make sure your website is in fact easy to use before making this claim. There’s no quicker way to make a customer mad than providing them with a complex system while promising a simple one!




Quote: “Crazy simple client tracking for small teams.”

引文: “超级简单的小团队客户跟踪.”



Quote: “Productivity isn’t about drop-downs, or rating systems. It’s about quickly recording the things that need done, capturing what you don’t want to forget, and charting your way to the finish line.”

引文: “效率不是简单的下列表或者评级系统,而是快速记录需要完成的任务,提醒那些你不想忘记的东西,图表显示你到终点的途径。”



Quote: “Shoply is the easiest way to sell online. We’re not joking, seriously!”

引文: “Shoply是在线销售的最简单的方式,我们不是开玩笑,认真的!”



Quote: “Spend less time managing your projects & tasks
and more time doing them.”
   引文: “花更少的时间在项目和任务的管理方面!


Tell Them Who It’s For


This one is extremely simple and extremely effective: state who the site is for in the headline. If you’ve built an app or blog specifically for a select group, let them know! When browsing various email campaign options, I was most impressed with Campaign Monitor simply because they stated that it was “for designers” in their headline copy.
   这一点是非常简单而且非常有效的:在头条上直说网站是针对哪些用户的。如果你已经针对某些群体设计了一个应用程序或博客,要让这个群体知道!浏览各种电子邮件广告时,我印象最深刻的是Campaign Monitor , 因为他们在文案标题上写着“for desiger”(给设计师)。
his single statement told me that they had built this entire service with me in mind and that if I was going to like any of these services, surely this would be the one.

Campaign Monitor

Quote: “Email Marketing Software for Designers and Their Clients”

引文: “针对设计师及其客户的电子邮件营销软件”

Be Confident
There’s nothing wrong with a little confidence, even to the point of near hyperbole. Notice the words used in the statements below: perfection, beautiful, stunning, etc. These companies aren’t shy about the greatness of their work.
If you’re confident in your product, don’t be afraid to use grandiose verbiage to describe it. Keep it short and simple, but do it justice.




Dubbed Creative

Quote: “Websites Mixed to Perfection”

引文: “尽善尽美地综合网站”



Quote: “We craft beautiful and useable websites.”

引文: “我们精心打造漂亮实用的网站。”


Dazzle Cat

Quote: “We design, build and host stunning websites.”

引文: “我们设计,制作并部署优秀出色的网站。”


The Color Cure

Quote: “We are the cure for all things ordinary.”

引文: “我们消除平庸之物。”

Ask For Help


The site below caught my attention because it was a simple and honest plea for help. This guy moved to a new city and wants a job, so he asked anyone who finds this site to help him out by sharing it. I saw humanity in the words that he wrote and genuinely felt like I was doing a good deed by sharing it.
If you want to ask a simple favor of the people stopping by your site, don’t skirt around the issue, come right out and ask. Use plain and clear language just as if you were speaking to a friend.



Quote: “To get there I’m going to need some help. All I’m asking is for you to share this website and somebody, somewhere in Copenhagen might just see it. You never know what that could lead to.”

引文: “想要到那地方去,我还需要一些帮助。我所希望的是你能跟其他人分享这个网站,这样在哥本哈根的人可以看到。你永远猜不着会有什么奇迹呢。.”

Be Clever
I love the wit that went into the statements below. What better way to describe a URL shortener than “the incredible shrinking URL?” It’s a fantastic way to represent a fairly mundane service.
The second example takes the common road of using opposites to make a point. They make a “best of both worlds” claim by identifying their strengths over what you’d find in a traditional agency.

我喜欢下面这些智慧的语句。“令人难以置信的URL瘦身”,有什么方法比这个更好地描述一个短URL服务呢, 这是一个很好的方式来表示一个相当平凡的服务。


Quote: “The incredible shrinking URL”

引文: “令人难以置信的URL瘦身”


Rodeo Park

Quote: “A big agency’s expertise with a small agency’s flexibility and creative solutions.”

引文: “大机构的专业权威结合小机构的灵活以及创造性的解决方案。”

Be Funny
Finally, when all else fails, just try to be funny. I absolutely loved the “invite me to Dribbble” plea put together in the form of the site below. It’s quite hilarious and was in fact successful in scoring the designer an invite.
The other two examples follow suit by using a little tongue in cheek humor to get their message across. This can be hard to pull off effectively and should only be attempted by those who really have a gift for sarcasm.



   Please Invite Me to Dribbble
Quote: “I even drew a chart! Designers love charts!”

引文: “我还画了图表,设计师喜欢图表!”



Quote: “One score & eight years ago, BlackRabbit was born, albeit in physicality alone. After learning to walk & talk (with limited success) sitting down at a computer seemed a better idea. The rest is history.”

引文: “八年前,BlackRabbit出生了,尽管显得形单影只。在学习走路和说话(取得了有限的成绩)之后,坐在电脑前似乎是在一个更好的选择。其余的都是往事。 ”



Quote: “It’s rocket science without rockets or science. We know what you’re thinking. Rocket Science?! Puleese! Alright, fine, it’s a bit grandiose.”

引文: “这是没有火箭和科学的火箭科学。 我们知道你在想什么。火箭科学?喔,好吧,很好,很强大。”

Show Us Yours!
Do you think your site has excellently crafted copy? Leave a link and a quote below and tell us about the trick you’re using to convince readers of what you’re saying.
Also tell us which of the sites above was your favorite!



