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作者:佚名      ASP.NET网站开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23



1.新建一个Code Smith Generator Template(C sharp)



<%@ PRoperty Name="SampleStringProperty" Default="SomeValue" Type="System.String" %>





1 <%@ Property Name="SourceTable" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" Optional="False" Description="源表名" %>2 3 <%@ Property Name="SourceDB" Type="SchemaExplorer.DatabaseSchema" Optional="False" %>4 5 <%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %>6 7 <%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %>
1 <script runat="template">2 // My methods here.3 public string SampleMethod()4 {5   return "Method output.";6 }7 </script>
<script runat="template"></script>标签内写的是自定义函数(C#代码)④模板部分书写:C#代码要用<%%>包括,值类型要使用<%=%>例如:生成一个Model层的模板
 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Text; 4  5 Namespace Model 6 { 7     Class <%=TargetTable.Name%> 8     { 9         <%  for (int i=0;i<TargetTable.Columns.Count;i++)10         {11             SchemaExplorer.ColumnSchema col = TargetTable.Columns[i];%>12             public <%=col.SystemType%> <%=col.Name%>{get;set;}13       <%}%>14     }15 }


  1 <%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#"   2     Src="ToolsCodeTemplate.cs" Inherits="ToolsCodeTemplate"%>  3 <%@ Property Name="TargetTable" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" Category="Context" Description="TargetTable that the object is based on." %>  4 <%@ Property Name="ModelsNamespace" Default="MyOffice.Models" Type="System.String" Category="Context" Description="TargetTable that the object is based on." %>  5 <%@ Property Name="DALNamespace" Default="MyOffice.DAL" Type="System.String" Category="Context" Description="TargetTable that the object is based on." %>  6 <%@ Property Name="DALClassNameSurfix" Default="Service" Type="System.String" Category="Context" Description="TargetTable that the object is based on." %>  7 <%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %>  8 <%@ Assembly Name="System.Data" %>  9 <%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %> 10 <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> 11 <%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> 12 <% PrintHeader(); %> 13 using System; 14 using System.Collections.Generic; 15 using System.Text; 16 using System.Data; 17 using System.Data.SqlClient; 18 using <%= ModelsNamespace %>; 19  20 namespace <%= DALNamespace %> 21 { 22     public partial class <%= GetDALClassName() %> 23     { 24         <%-- public static Book AddBook(Book book) --%> 25         public <%= GetModelClassName() %> Add 26             (<%= GetModelClassName() %> <%= GetModelParamName() %>) 27         { 28             <%if(IsIdentityPK()) 29             {%> 30                 string sql ="<%= GetAutoIncInsertSQLLine()%>"; 31                 SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] 32                     { 33                         <% 34                         for(int i=0; i<TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns.Count; i++) 35                         { 36                             ColumnSchema column = TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns[i]; 37                              38                         %> 39                         new SqlParameter("@<%= column.Name %>", ToDBValue(<%= GetModelParamName() %>.<%= column.Name %>)), 40                         <% 41                         } 42                         %> 43                     }; 44                      45                 <%= GetPKPropertyType() %> newId = (<%= GetPKPropertyType() %>)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, para); 46                 return GetBy<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>(newId); 47             <%}else 48             {%> 49                 string sql ="<%= GetCommonInsertSQLLine()%>"; 50                 SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] 51                     { 52                         <% 53                         for(int i=0; i<TargetTable.Columns.Count; i++) 54                         { 55                             ColumnSchema column = TargetTable.Columns[i];                             56                         %> 57                         new SqlParameter("@<%= column.Name %>", ToDBValue(<%= GetModelParamName() %>.<%= column.Name %>)), 58                         <% 59                         } 60                         %> 61                     }; 62                 SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para); 63                 return <%= GetModelParamName() %>;                 64             <%}%> 65         } 66  67         <%-- public static bool DeleteBookById(int id) --%> 68         public int DeleteBy<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>(<%= GetPKPropertyType() %> <%= GetPKParamName() %>) 69         { 70             string sql = "DELETE <%= TargetTable.Name %> WHERE <%= GetPKPropertyName() %> = @<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>"; 71  72            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] 73             { 74                 new SqlParameter("@<%= GetPKName() %>", <%= GetPKParamName() %>) 75             }; 76          77             return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para); 78         } 79          80                  81         <%-- public static bool ModifyBook(Book book) --%> 82         public int Update(<%= GetModelClassName() %> <%= GetModelParamName() %>) 83         { 84             string sql = 85                 "UPDATE <%= TargetTable.Name %> " + 86                 "SET " + 87             " <%= TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns[0].Name %> = @<%= TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns[0].Name %>"  88             <% 89             for(int i=1; i<TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns.Count; i++) 90             { 91                 ColumnSchema column = TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns[i];                 92             %> 93                 +", <%= column.Name %> = @<%= column.Name %>"  94             <% 95             } 96             %> 97                 98             +" WHERE <%= GetPKName() %> = @<%= GetPKName() %>"; 99 100 101             SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]102             {103                 new SqlParameter("@<%= GetPKName() %>", <%= GetModelParamName() %>.<%= GetPKName() %>)104                 <%105                 for(int i=0; i<TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns.Count; i++)106                 {107                     ColumnSchema column = TargetTable.NonPrimaryKeyColumns[i];108                 %>109                     ,new SqlParameter("@<%= column.Name %>", ToDBValue(<%= GetModelParamName() %>.<%= column.Name %>))110                 <%111                 }112                 %>113             };114 115             return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, para);116         }        117         118         <%-- public static Book GetBookById(int id) --%>119         public <%= GetModelClassName() %> GetBy<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>(<%= GetPKPropertyType() %> <%= GetPKParamName() %>)120         {121             string sql = "SELECT * FROM <%= TargetTable.Name %> WHERE <%= GetPKPropertyName() %> = @<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>";122             using(SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataReader(sql, new SqlParameter("@<%= GetPKPropertyName() %>", <%= GetPKParamName() %>)))123             {124