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VBSctipt 5.0中的新特性

作者:佚名      ASP网站建设编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23
VBSctipt 5.0中的新特性


1、 在脚本中使用类
Class MyClass

        PRivate m_HalfValue                                ‘Local variable to hold value of HalfValue

Public Property Let HalfValue(vData)             ‘executed to set the HalfValue property
              If vData > 0 Then m_HalfValue = vData
End Property

Public Property Get HalfValue()                     ‘executed to return the HalfValue property
              HalfValue = m_HalfValue
End Property

Public Function GetResult()                            ‘implements the GetResult method
              GetResult = m_HalfVaue * 2
End Function
End Class

Set ObjThis = New MyClass

ObjThis.HalfValue = 21

Response.Write “Value of HalfValue property is “ & objThis.HalfValue & “<BR>”
Response.Write “Result of GetResult method is “ & objThis.GetResult & “<BR>”

Value of HalfValue property is 21
Result of GetResult method is 42

2、 With结构
VBScript 5.0支持With结构,使访问一个对象的几个属性或方法的代码更加紧凑:

Set objThis = Server.CreateObject(“This.object”)

With objThis
.Property1 = “This value”
.Property2 = “Another value”
TheResult = .SomeMethod
End With

3、 字符串求值
Eval函数(过去只在javaScript和Jscript中可用)目前在VBScript 5.0中已经得到了支持。允许创建包含脚本代码的字符串,值可为True或False,并在执行后可得到一个结果:

datYourBirthday = Request.Form(“Birthday”)
strScript = “datYourBirthday = Date()”

If Eval(strScript) Then
       Response.write “Happy Brithday!”
       Response.write “Have a nice day!”
End If

4、 语句执行

strCheckBirthday = “Sub CheckBirthday(datYourBirthday)” & vbCrlf_
                      & “   If  Eval(datYourBirthday = Date()) Then” & vbCrlf_
                      & “                Response.Write “”Happy Birthday!””” & vbCrlf_
                      &”     Else” & vbCrlf_
                      &”                 Response.write “”Have a nice day!””” & vbCrlf_
                      &”     End If” & vbCrlf_
                      &”End Sub” & vbCrlf
Execute strCheckBirthday


5、  设置地区
StrCurrentLocale = GetLocale

6、 正则表达式
VBScript 5.0现在支持正则表达式(过去只在Javascript、Jscript和其他语言中可用)。RegExp对象常用来创建和执行正则表达式,例如:
StrTarget = “test testing tested attest late start”
Set objRegExp = New RegExp                              ‘create a regular expression

ObjRegExp.Pattern = “test*”                                          ‘set the search pattern
ObjRegExp.IgnoreCase = False                                   ‘set the case sensitivity
ObjRegExp.Global = True                                    ‘set the scope

Set colMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strTarget)         ‘execute the search

For Each Match in colMatches                                 ‘iterate the colMatches collection
       Response.Write “Match found at position” & Match.FirstIndex & “.”
       Resposne.Write “Matched value is ‘” & Match.Value & “’.<BR>”
Match found at position 0. Matched value is ‘test’.
Match found at position 5. Matched value is ‘test’.
Match found at position 13. Matched value is ‘test’;
Match found at position 22. Matched value is ‘test’.

7、  在客户端VBScript中设置事件处理程序
Function MyFunction()
       Function implementation code here
End Function

Set objCimButton = document.all(“cmdButton”)
Set objCmdButton.OnClick = GetRef(“Myfunction”)

8、  VBScript中的On Error Goto 0
尽管这个技术早先没有被文档记载,但在现有的VBScript版本中能够使用(有着VB背景并且有好奇心的人可能早已发现这个秘密)。它现在已被记录在文档中,并且在执行On Error Resume Next后能够用来“关闭”页面中的定制错误处理。结果是任何后来的错误将引发一个浏览器级或服务器级的错误及相应的对话框/响应。