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作者:佚名      ASP网站建设编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23






数据库结构   Table - newpost :This table will contain the New Topic posted messages
postid (PRimary key)  The unique id for each new topic.
name The name of the author of the message.
email E-mail address of the author.
subject Subject of the message.
ip IP address of the author.
date Date / Time of the Post
message Message posted.
replies Number of replies to the post (if any)
views Number of times the message has been viewed.  

Table - reply :This table will contain the Replies made to the new topics.
replyid (primary key) The unique id for each reply.
name Name of the author.
email E-mail address of the author.
subject Subject of the post
ip IP of the author.
date Date / Time of post.
message Message posted.
postid postid from the "newpost" table for which this message is a reply.