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作者:佚名      php网站开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23

phpFastCache是一个开源的PHP缓存库,只提供一个简单的PHP文件,可方便集成到已有项目,支持多种缓存方法,包括:apc, memcache, memcached, wincache, files, pdo and mpdo。可通过简单的API来定义缓存的有效时间。


<?php    // In your config file    include("phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php");    phpFastCache::setup("storage","auto");    // phpFastCache support "apc", "memcache", "memcached", "wincache" ,"files", "sqlite" and "xcache"    // You don't need to change your code when you change your caching system. Or simple keep it auto    $cache = phpFastCache();    // In your Class, Functions, PHP Pages    // try to get from Cache first. PRoduct_page = YOUR Identity KeyWord    $products = $cache->get("product_page");    if($products == null) {        $products = YOUR DB QUERIES || GET_PRODUCTS_FUNCTION;        // set products in to cache in 600 seconds = 10 minutes        $cache->set("product_page", $products,600);    }    // Output Your Contents $products HERE


<?php    include("phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php");    $cache = phpFastCache("memcached");    // try to get from Cache first.    $results = $cache->get("identity_keyword")    if($results == null) {        $results = cURL->get("http://www.youtube.com/api/json/url/keyword/page");        // Write to Cache Save API Calls next time        $cache->set("identity_keyword", $results, 3600*24);    }    foreach($results as $video) {        // Output Your Contents HERE    }


<?php    // use Files Cache for Whole Page / Widget    // keyword = Webpage_URL    $keyword_webpage = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);    $html = __c("files")->get($keyword_webpage);    if($html == null) {        ob_start();        /*            ALL OF YOUR CODE GO HERE            RENDER YOUR PAGE, DB QUERY, WHATEVER        */        // GET HTML WEBPAGE        $html = ob_get_contents();        // Save to Cache 30 minutes        __c("files")->set($keyword_webpage,$html, 1800);    }    echo $html;


<?php    // use Files Cache for Whole Page / Widget    $cache = phpFastCache("files");    $html = $cache->widget_1;    if($html == null) {        $html = Render Your Page || Widget || "Hello World";        // Save to Cache 30 minutes        $cache->widget_1 = array($html, 1800);    }    echo or return your $html;


<?php    // in your config files    include("phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php");    // auto | memcache | files ...etc. Will be default for $cache = __c();    phpFastCache::$storage = "auto";    $cache1 = phpFastCache();    $cache2 = __c("memcache");    $server = array(array("",11211,100), array("",11215,80));    $cache2->option("server", $server);    $cache3 = new phpFastCache("apc");    // How to Write?    $cache1->set("keyword1", "string|number|array|object", 300);    $cache2->keyword2 = array("something here", 600);    __c()->keyword3 = array("array|object", 3600*24);    // How to Read?    $data = $cache1->get("keyword1");    $data = $cache2->keyword2;    $data = __c()->keyword3;    $data = __c()->get("keyword4");    // Free to Travel between any caching methods    $cache1 = phpFastCache("files");    $cache1->set("keyword1", $value, $time);    $cache1->memcache->set("keyword1", $value, $time);    $cache1->apc->set("whatever", $value, 300);    $cache2 = __c("apc");    $cache2->keyword1 = array("so cool", 300);    $cache2->files->keyword1 = array("Oh yeah!", 600);    $data = __c("memcache")->get("keyword1");    $data = __c("files")->get("keyword2");    $data = __c()->keyword3;    // Multiple ? No Problem    $list = $cache1->getMulti(array("key1","key2","key3"));    $cache2->setMulti(array("key1","value1", 300),                      array("key2","value2", 600),                      array("key3","value3", 1800),                      );    $list = $cache1->apc->getMulti(array("key1","key2","key3"));    __c()->memcache->getMulti(array("a","b","c"));    // want more? Check out document in source code

